My Experiance in English Speech Contest
Haiiiiii .. waktu itu gue direkomendasikan mom estina buat ikut English Speech Contest yang diadakan oleh Erlangga di Universitas Indonesia. awalnya gue nolak buat ikut, abis saingannya kan sejabodetabek. dan itu juga tema nya di tentukan darisana dan kita harus buat teks nya sendiri dengan surasi minimal 3 menit maksimal 5 menit. gue cuma punya waktu 1 minggu buat persiapin semuanya. dannnnn karna banyak banget tugas dan ulangan, gue sampe lupa buat teks nya. akhirnya H-2 gue baru buat teks nya dan besoknya gue harus langsung gladiresik didepan anak anak kelas 3 ak. dan itu udah H-1 tapi gue belom ngafalin. iyalah, orang teks nya aja baru buat semalem. akhirnya setelah gladiresik 3 kali,. lumayan deh tuh agak nyangkut dikit dikit, karna kebetulan gue emang cepet buat ngafalin teks. tapi pas pulang sekolah niatnya mau ngafalin itu pidato, ehhh gue harus latihan taekwondo sampe sore banget dan pulangnya langsung tidur nggak sempet ngafalin. padahal besoknya harus lomba !! ngaco kan. untungnya jam 2 malem gue bangun, terus gue tahajud, abis tahajud gue langsung ambil teks dan dengan menyebut nama Allah yang maha pengasih lagi maha penyayang, haha gue coba buat ngafalin pelan pelan. karna gue cuma punya waktu 3 jam buat ngafalin . selebihnya gue harus mandi dan siap siap buat berangkat ke UI. dan alhamdulillah gue hafal juga hehe . akhirnya, setelah hafal, sekita jam 5 subuh, gue mandi, sholat dan sarapan. jam 6 gue berangkat ke stasiun cikini buat janjian sama temen gue yang lain untuk berangkat bareng ke UI nya. sampe di UI, gue coba gladiresik lagi didepan mimbar. alhamdulillah masih hafal hehe. dan acara lomba pun dimulai pada pukul 9.00 , mom estina memang guru yang baik dan perhatian, beliau nelfon gue untuk menanyakan kabar gue dan anak anak lain juga. alhamdulillah gue tampil dengan nomor urut ke 14 dan lancarrrrrrr speech nya. juri nya dosen UI langsung dengan peserta yang beratus ratus orang. sehingga gueeee.... nggak menang deh :(((( tapi gapapa, meskipun ngga menang, gue bangga karna gue udah mau usaha dan bisa melakukannya dengan lancar. jadi ini gue jadiin pengalaman aja, kali aja masih ada kesempatan buat menang dikemudian hari. right ?? oh iyaaaaa buat sharing aja, ini English Speech gue waktu lomba kemarin. di kasih pilihan 6 tema,,gueambil tema ke 3 dengan judul " How to be a professional worker " . karna menurut gue, tema ini lebih mudah untuk dikembangkan. dan sepeerti inilah hasilnyaaaaa :))
Good Morning Ladies & Gentleman.
The honourable the judicator of English Speech Contest. all participants, and audience those who i respect.
first, let me indroduce myself. my name is Rizky Amalia. before i deliver my speech, i'd like to thanks to Almighty God, because of the blessing and grace, i can join in this English Speech contest.
Okay. i',m standing here to deliver my speech about " How to be a professional worker " .
We often hear how important it to behave “professionally” in the workplace. If you want to get ahead, be taken seriously, and have your boss think of you as an asset to the team, doing things in a professional way is vital.
10 Ways To Be Professional
Acting like a professional really means doing what it takes to make others think of you as reliable, respectful, and competent. Depending on where you work and the type of job you have, this can take on many different forms.
There are, however, quite a few common traits when it comes to being professional. This includes the following:
1. Competence. You’re good at what you do – and you have the skills and knowledge that enable you to do your job well.
2. Reliability. People can depend on you to show up on time, submit your work when it’s supposed to be ready, etc.
3. Honesty. You tell the truth and are upfront about where things stand.
4. Integrity. You are known for your consistent principles.
5. Respect For Others. Treating all people as if they mattered is part of your approach.
6. Self-Upgrading. Rather than letting your skills or knowledge become outdated, you seek out ways of staying current.
7. Being Positive. No one likes a constant pessimist. Having an upbeat attitude and trying to be a problem-solver makes a big difference.
8. Supporting Others. You share the spotlight with colleagues, take time to show others how to do things properly, and lend an ear when necessary.
9. Staying Work-Focused. Not letting your private life needlessly have an impact on your job, and not spending time at work attending to personal matters.
10. Listening Carefully. People want to be heard, so you give people a chance to explain their ideas properly.
The Professional Advantage
The more you put into practice the 10 points listed above, the better your chances will be to create a positive reputation for yourself. This can ultimately translate into raises and promotions, chances to work on more assignments that you enjoy, less likelihood of being downsized when layoffs are being considered, and the respect of peers and senior management.
You also benefit from feelings of increased self-worth and dignity. Plus you keep yourself marketable for the future. All in all, some very good reasons to as professional as possible.
right ?? okay, i think that's all my speech. i hope my speech can be usegul. and thats enough from me. i appologize if i have a mistakes. and thanks for your attention :)
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