Hi,!! Ladies and Gentleman :) Created by :RizkyAmalia XII Accounting - 3 I’m RizkyAmalia. In this opportunity i'd like to deliver my speech about “profession”. That’s “ FARMER ”. Why I take this profession? Because, I think the farmer is very important in everyday life. So, we have to appreciate the efforts of a farmer. Because being a farmer is not an easy job. Okay, now let us think, who doesn’t need food ?everyone must compete to meet those their needs. As the breakfast, lunch, or dinner. But, have we ever thought, who would play an important role so that we can enjoy these food? Very few of us are aware of it. In fact, most people don’t thinking about it. They just look down a farmer. While, in reality farmers who work hard to meet the needs of human. Being a farmer is not easy as a profession in the current area. Where, now people tend to live dragmatis and hedonist. Of course, very few people who want to wor...