
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2013


Hi,!! Ladies and Gentleman :) Created by :RizkyAmalia XII Accounting - 3   I’m RizkyAmalia. In this opportunity i'd like to deliver my speech about “profession”. That’s “ FARMER ”. Why I take this profession? Because, I think   the farmer is very important in everyday life. So, we have to appreciate the efforts of a farmer. Because being a farmer is not an easy job. Okay, now let us think, who doesn’t need food ?everyone must compete to meet those their needs. As the breakfast, lunch, or dinner. But, have we ever thought, who would play an important role so that we can enjoy these food? Very few of us are aware of it. In fact, most people don’t thinking about it. They just look down a farmer. While, in reality farmers who work hard to meet the needs of human. Being a farmer is not easy as a profession in the current area. Where, now people tend to live dragmatis and hedonist. Of course, very few people who want to wor...

My Opinion About " World of Business "

Hi, !! I’m so glad because all students of 14 vocational high school have been graduated with the best scores. And i expect all students can continue to pursue a higher education. If anyone want to find a work that may be accepted in place of work that matches what they want. But perhaps, we should begin to realize that the current job competition getting tougher. Why ? because fourty five million people are currently unemployed. And of course, they were trying to get a job. Once again, this fact should make us all begin to open our eyes and let us prepare ourself to win this competition in world of business.   In order to keep pace with an increasing competitive world of work rapidly, it help us to look at some tips below : 1.      Flowing like water Adaptability is needed in an increasing competitive world of work. If priorities change, and you’re asked to tackle a new project don’t hestitate to develop the self. 2.      See...

Dan Kemenangan itupun Tibaaaa.. satu jengkal dari mata saya

haiiiiiiiiiii blogger !!!!! longtime no sharing in here. :"" rasanyaaaa kangen nulis hihiiii okeeee sekarang gue mau menceritakan beberapa minggu lalu karna baru sempet ngeblog sekarang.. wkwk maklum orang syibuuuuuukkk :)) okeeee jadi gue udah selesai nih ngejalanin tugas tugas gue sebagai pelajar di SMK N 14 Jakarta tercintaaaaa tepatnya di jurusan akuntansi. wkwkwwk dan sumpah gue legaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bangettt breeeeee. tapi rada bete juga sih karna gue nggak bisa ngerasain suasana kelas yang gilaaaa lagi kayak FAMILY OF GIRALDY XII AK 3. yaaaaahh lo tau sendiri kan, cuma disekolah dan diluar gue bisa jadi diri gue sendiri, ketawa sana sini ceria dan cetar membahanaaaaa hahaa okeinilebay ! nahhhh dan pada saat itu, gue sangat menantikan tanggal 24 MEI !!! cieeeeee apaan tuh ?? ulang tahun guee... ehhh bukannnnnn , tapi ulangtahun nya Kak Rangga !! ehhhh tapi bukan juga, loh siapa tuh kak rangga >? oke soal kak rangga nanti akan gue ceritain di postingan selanjutnya....